Stephen Graham Jones ~ Zombie Bake-Off

just finished reading Stephen Graham Jones‘s antic paper-view wrestling event, ZOMBIE BAKE-OFF. the title says it all; though it doesn’t credit SGJ’s infallible comic/cinematic timing and his caricature/characterizations left me indelibly hearing the voice of wrangler/promoter Johnny T. as none other than Christoph Waltz. a very enjoyable and bloody romp

Danilo Kis ~ Hourglass

“(as in the picture where the eye perceives a white vase or an hourglass or a chalice, until the mind–or is it the will?–discovers that this vase is an empty space, negative, hence an illusion, and there is only one positive, that is, real thing in the picture, is the two profiles turned toward each …

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Danilo Kis ~ Early Sorrows

just finished reading all available translated works by Danilo Kis, lastly his novel (or song cycle, as i prefer to think of it, formally) Early Sorrows, the first of his triptych of novels, his ‘family cycle’ centered on his early childhood, and his father’s removal to Auschwitz. Kis is the most poetic and beautiful writer …

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Danilo Kis ~ Psalm 44

just finished reading one of Danilo Kis’ early novels, Psalm 44. it takes shape in the musings and flashbacks of a mother in Auschwitz as she waits in the dark for the cue to flee in the middle of the night, the escape coming late in the war as the thunder of advancing Allied troops …

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Danilo Kis ~ Homo Poeticus: Essays and Interviews

just finished reading Homo Poeticus: Essays and Interviews by Danilo Kis, edited and with an introduction by Susan Sontag. an indispensable guide and inspiration to his work. “I believe that literature must correct History: History is general, literature concrete; History is manifold, literature individual. History shows no concern for passion, crime, or numbers. What is …

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Danilo Kis ~ The Encyclopedia of the Dead

just finished reading, in the midst of my Danilo Kis binge, his collection of short stories, The Encyclopedia of the Dead, all of which celebrate the power and life of the word, each of which is suffused with the variegated transmutation from fiction to history and back again. a profoundly poetic and essential writer.

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