Philip K. Dick ~ The Crack in Space

just finished reading Philip K. Dick’s The Crack in Space, an inter-dimensional thriller presciently replete with our first African-American Presidential Candidate, albeit belatedly circa 2080, and his nemeses the Koch Bros, as Siamese-twin megalomaniacs joined at the head. PKD is the best.

Philip K. Dick ~ Galactic Pot-Healer

just finished reading Philip K. Dick’s Galactic Pot-Healer, a parable with the best of Faust, the Whale archetype, Faith and Le Cathedrale engloutie all expertly woven. PKD is the best

Philip K. Dick ~ Lies, Inc.

Just finished reading Philip K. Dick’s Lies, Inc., revised and amended late in his life from a novella from the 60’s, The Unteleported Man. In my experience of PKD, this counts as the most wonderfully convoluted and masterfully fugal of his books, with more delusions and realities than any of his other novels. Truly jaw-dropping …

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Philip K. Dick ~ The Zap Gun

just finished reading Philip K. Dick’s The Zap Gun, a novel of psionic fake-weapons designers. prescient comic books, a Kabuki Cold War. also, a pretty astonishing presage of addictive video games and coincidentally the McGuffin that figures at the center of David Foster Wallace’s Infinite Jest. one of PKD’s most mind-blowing satires.

Philip K. Dick ~ Time Out of Joint

just finished reading one of Philip K. Dick’s earliest and most domestically insidious alt-reality novels, Time Out of Joint. if the world that’s out to get you really DOES revolves around you, are you still a paranoid narcissist? PKD is the best.

Philip K. Dick ~ The Man Who Japed

in my continuing PKDOCD, just finished reading one of Philip K. Dick’s most important early novels, The Man Who Japed: a post-nuke society whose moral tenets are heavily straitened, like a post-modern Dutch Reformed Church, an ad-man/propagandist gets in touch with his seditious subconscious. one of the best and most horrifying climaxes in PKD, too. …

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