Richard Stark ~ Deadly Edge

just finished reading another of Richard Stark’s (Donald E. Westlake’s dark-side pseudonym) novels in the anti-hero, Parker, series, Deadly Edge. a successful rock show receipts heist turns into a closing circle of murder of the crew involved. densely plotted, perfectly executed (an apt term)

Robert Parker ~ Sixkill

ust finished reading my first ever Robert Parker Spenser novel, Sixkill, named for Zebulon Sixkill, the Native American ex-college fullback Spenser takes on to train and rehabilitate in the midst of a celebrity murder case. i really liked it. probably be back again, especially as the Dick-and-Jane-sized typeface, the haiku-length chapters and the snappy dialogue …

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Richard Stark ~ Butcher’s Moon

  just finished reading Butcher’s Moon, by the darkest of Donald E. Westlake’s nom-de-plumes, Richard Stark, starring his criminal mastermind and hardman, Parker. this one’s about Parker going for some stashed loot, and finding it already snatched, ends up with a whole posse of his former work-mates taking down a small city mob. no one …

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Joe R. Lansdale ~ The Thicket

just finished reading Joe R. Lansdale‘s latest and greatest, The Thicket, this righteous revenge quest replete with his unmatched level of humor and horror, the wonder of youth against the cynicism of a cold hard world, characters that you’d want to spend a few years with, dialogue and meditation in the Charles Portis/Cormac McCarthy mode, …

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Blair Tindall ~ Mozart in the Jungle

  just finished reading Blair Tindall‘s devastating memoir of her life as a freelance oboist in NYC, Mozart in the Jungle. she’s spot-on in portraying the miserable hamster-wheel lives of her colleagues, but lost importantly, Blair slips in an essential history of arts funding in America, in particular the Ford Foundation-led largesse of the 60’s, …

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Thomas Pynchon ~ Bleeding Edge

just finished reading Thomas Pynchon’s latest shaggy-dog novel, Bleeding Edge. he’s always happiest, it seems, steeped in byzantine webs of paranoiac conspiracies, and never more so than here, where he out-cyberpunks William Gibson while trawling through not the near future, but the recent past. 9/11 is the centerpoint of an anum of virtual reality technology, …

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