I’ll be creating videos for each of the Preludes & Fugues of Bach’s Well-Tempered Clavier, an archive of 96 such mini-lectures; explorations and explications really of my interpretive point of view on each piece, with the hope that my specific meditations and decisions serendipitous and evolving on each Prelude and Fugue will reap resonant rewards as regards one’s own interpretive delvings into music by other composers as well.
My 96-episode archive, Everything We Need To Know About Playing The Piano We Learn From The Well-Tempered Clavier, is now available at a special introductory rate of $20 for the first month of 10 episodes (that’s 2 /1/2 hours of material on the first 5 Preludes & Fugues), with at least 10 more episodes a month thereafter.
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