I just wrapped this episode last night. Had in mind to do a very circumscribed talk about this Pastorale, but as usual ended up in all kinds of interesting musico-philosophical by-ways, and now that I’ve left just a soupcon of my stammerings, this one runs about 17min.
My favorite part, though, is the excerpt I read from Ralph Kirkpatrick’s Interpreting Bach’s Well-Tempered Clavier: A Performer’s Discourse of Method. I’ve dog-eared nearly every page of this wonderful book, and I’ve no doubt I’ll be citing his inspiring musings throughout my 96-episode series. This episode’s reading is a list of 9 essential precepts addressed specifically to pianists assaying the Well-Tempered Clavier.
Also here on the site, all my performances of The Well-Tempered Clavier, as they become available.
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As I listened to the 9 precepts, I thought #3 was my favorite but then no it immediately became #4 and then of course it was all of them! I’m so happy you’re reading this book to us.