Having made my way through all of Philip K. Dick‘s novels last summer, and having finally obtained all five volumes of the comprehensive and beautifully archived Gollancz Edition (not in print anymore, Amazon associate outlets had them fairly cheap), i’m reading the whole lot of PKD’s short stories. i’d already read Vol. 5, which had a few i’d come upon in the standard collections, The Golden Man, most memorably, and now have finished Vol. 1, Beyond Lies the Wub (title of his first published story, 7/52). as the collection reads chronologically, these are all writings from the early 50’s though with some beautiful story notes written decades later by PKD for the classic, Roog, Meddler, the John Woo-directed Paycheck, King of the Elves and the seminal Colony.
though the future as seen from the 50’s is pretty creaky, nothing dims PKD’s conceptually limitless font of possibility and conflict. they read as presciently today as they will 50 years from now, though maybe not 100.
really great stuff.
PKD is the Best
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