just finished reading the post-2-3-74 visitation (exegesis) collaborative novel by Philip K. Dick and Roger Zelazny, DEUS IRAE.
i’d been impressed by Zelazny’s MY NAME IS LEGION, and one of his religious/sci-fi novels, but most of my Zelazny-friend/fans swear by his more fantasy-tinged ouevre (amber, etc.) and, i’ve gotta say, despite the complementary empathic tone generated by the authors’ spiritual bent, and what i perceive as Zelazny’s more poetic tone, the end result is a satisfying if contrapuntally excessive and complex religious treatise, as well as one hell of a one-trick novel of false gods and desperate seekings of salvation.
as much as i admired the novel, i tend to prefer my PKD without talking birds and arbitrarily articulate dung beetles.
still well worth a read.
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