Mark Z. Danielewski ~ Only Revolutions (re-reading)

just finished reading (been about a half dozen times now) Mark Z. Danielewski’s masterful and imaginatively unsurpassed Moebius-strip prose poem, Only Revolutions. Sam and Hailey are the culmination of Tristan und Isolde archetypes through all ages. Forever 16, they conquer the world. they are the world i’ll be composing music for the eBook of OR, …

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George Saunders ~ The Brief and Frightening Reign of Phil

just finished, topping off my George Saunders binge, his novella/fable The Brief and Frightening Reign of Phil, a geo-political parable peopled by misfit toys bickering over their microcosmic boundaries. as always, instantly compelling textual landscape, a style unique to the needs of the piece, satire of the darkest stripe. a great voice of our time.

George Saunders ~ Civilwarland

just finished reading George Saunders’ first published story collection, Civilwarland in Bad Decline, including the novellette, Bounty, a post-apocalyptic road-novel of which Cormac McCarthy’s THE ROAD (not that i don’t admire all his work)is a faint shadow. where The Road was a philosophic work on par with his Blood Meridian, the mise end scene of …

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George Saunders ~ In Persuasion Nation

in the midst of my George Saunders binge, having reconnected with him after years ago reading his essay collection, The Braindead Megaphone and his more recent story collection Tenth of December, i just finished reading another of his darkly comedic tales of a not-so-distant dystopia, In Persuasion Nation, this one a bit more media/advertising-centred. i …

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Stephen Graham Jones ~ The Last Final Girl

just finished Stephen Graham Jones‘ superb paper-view slasher, THE LAST FINAL GIRL. can’t imagine anyone else coming up with the perfect balance of pacing, rapid-fire references only a horror devotee of world class could muster, homage and send-up, and pushing all the perfect slasher buttons along the way. a labour of love. a joy to …

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