just finished reading George Saunders’ first published story collection, Civilwarland in Bad Decline, including the novellette, Bounty, a post-apocalyptic road-novel of which Cormac McCarthy’s THE ROAD (not that i don’t admire all his work)is a faint shadow. where The Road was a philosophic work on par with his Blood Meridian, the mise end scene of some vague atomic denuouement is not nearly so evocative and fertile as is Saunders’ presumption of mutagenic toxins wreaking havoc with the food supply, but with societal structure as well as sending up in his hilarious way corporate ethos, self-improvement and his tried-and-true Themeparks From Hell.
i’ve loved all of Saunders’ work (only have The Brief and Frightening Reign of Phil to read, and my binge will have run its course), but Bounty is a story that changes your life.
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