Free episode of my Bach series

Those of you subscribing to my 96-episode series, Everything We Need To Know About Playing The Piano We Learn From The Well-Tempered Clavier, will receive Episodes 31-40 this morning.
I’ve lately taken to heart suggestions to include a bit more analysis in addition to the wealth of specific suggestions for execution on the piano for these pieces and their application to the larger world of piano repertoire. Laurence Dreyfus’ Bach and the Patterns of Invention, insightful in its theories of Bach’s creative process, was instructive and inspiring. And always by my side as I record and explore in lecture form are Ralph Kirkpatrick’s essential Interpreting Bach’s Well-Tempered Clavier (from which I almost invariably open each of my episodes with a reading), Joseph Groocock’s Fugal Composition: A Guide to the Study of Bach’s 48 (I love the graphics of each of the fugues) and most significantly, David Ledbetter’s comprehensive volume on the 48.
The more I come to know, the more I feel I have to offer: this latest episode, on the a minor Fugues from Book I, ran nearly 50minutes. The other relatively new part of production is my ever more ruthless and mercenary use of the Split Clip function in iMovie, getting into the body of the lecture and introduction and excising stammerings, equivocations, false demo takes, pretentious pauses, this episode cut down nicely to 33minutes. Still a nicely deep dive, and one I felt was worth sharing widely.
The series is coming close to the end of Book I. My video performances, all streaming on
cover all of Book I and halfway through Book II.
I’m very excited about all of my Bach work. I’m sure musicians and music-lovers will find it enlightening and enjoyable as well.
For full access to the 96-episode series, subscribe at



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