just having finished Lucius Shepard‘s collection, The Jaguar Hunter, i come to the end of line as far as the most readily available of his work. Guess i’ll have to shell out the big bucks for Floater and Dagger Key.
even though this 500-page compendium was comprised of a majority of stories i’d previously read, it was an honour to revisit them and a welcome shock to read new things, like the Jacob‘s Ladder creepiness of mutants among us in Mengele, the deftly hewn alternate realities of A Traveler’s Tale. but there is little more beautiful writing (witness the Major/Oracle’s retelling of the siege at Firebase Ruby in the recital at the circus Radiant Green Star) and certainly no more fertile imagination anywhere in the world.
luckily for us all, Lucius’ new collection, Five Autobiographies and a Fiction *pre-ordered* arrives at the end of April.
required reading.
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