quips and clips

Radiohead (arr. O’Riley) ~ Motion Picture Soundtrack FB Live 2022.06.17

FB Live 2022.06.17 Radiohead (arr. O’Riley) ~Motion Picture Soundtrack Red wine and sleeping pills Help me get back to your arms Cheap sex and sad films Help me get where I belong I think you’re crazy, maybe I think you’re crazy, maybe Stop sending letters Letters always get burned It’s not like the movies They…

Prelude XI in F Major, Book II — J.B. Streicher (1852)

I’m reveling in the pleasures of figuring out which of my dozens of Pianoteq virtual keyboards sound best with particular Preludes & Fugues. Could be fun to re-recod the whole set on lots of different instruments appropriate for the piece. I’ve lately made it my practice, with the Fugues, to work them through 7 times:…

Bach Re-Invented by Steven Harlos

Creating my Bach video series, Everything We Need To Know About Playing the Piano We Learn From The Well-Tempered Clavier, has been my way of making the best of our enforced solitude. Creating a course of study with the series as resource has been another. Getting the word out to schools about my online course,…

Radiohead ~ Airbag – Subterranean Homesick Alien – How I Made My Millions

The summer in which I performed 120+ performances of Basil Twist’s Symphonie Fantastique also saw this unique collaboration: I sent my proposed full-length recital setlist for my 2018.07.28 Festival Mozaic recital to visual artist, Bryn Forbes; he devised from his capacious capture archive a visual complement for the entire concert. Bryn and I are in…

Radiohead ~ Let Down (arrORiley) w/video by Bryn Forbes

The summer in which I performed 120+ performances of Basil Twist’s Symphonie Fantastique also saw this unique collaboration: I sent my proposed full-length recital setlist for my Festival Mozaic recital to visual artist, Bryn Forbes; he devised from his capacious capture archive a visual complement for the entire concert. Bryn and I are in touch…

Tori Amos ~ Mother (arr. ORiley) w/Bryn Forbes 2018.07.28

The summer in which I performed 120+ performances of Basil Twist’s Symphonie Fantastique also saw this unique collaboration: I sent my proposed full-length recital setlist for my Festival Mozaic recital to visual artist, Bryn Forbes; he devised from his capacious capture archive a visual complement for the entire concert. Bryn and I are in touch…

2018.07.26 Recital, 1st Half @Festival Mozaic with Bryn Forbes

  The summer in which I performed 120+ performances of Basil Twist’s Symphonie Fantastique also saw this unique collaboration: I sent my proposed full-length recital setlist for my Festival Mozaic recital to visual artist, Bryn Forbes; he devised from his capacious capture archive a visual complement for the entire concert. Bryn and I are in…

Distinguish Voices By Defining Their Individual Dynamic Arcs

A big part of newly conceiving the possibilities within notation is our re-examining our reaction to dynamic markings. As pianists, we see forte right between the treble & bass clefs of our staff, suggesting that notes under its immediate purview should all be played, by both hands, forte. One can make allowances to wanting to…

Creating Shape By Varying At A Cellular Level The Expansion Or Compression Of Motives

The c minor Fugue, Book I again presents us with a laboratory, a crucible of experimentation & exploration, variation of the simplest rhythmic motive, the thrice-repeated pair of upbeat 16th notes eventually resulting in the final element, the 4th & final paired 16ths landing & originating on a strong beat. It’s an invitation to very…

As Many Different Articulations As There Are Consonants & Elisions

We pianists are taught articulation primarily as a binary concept; it’s either long or short, legato or staccato. There are gradations; a dot over a dash implies short, but not too short. But even within one staccato dot there is ambiguity, possibility. If I saw a staccato 8th note in a piece by Stravinsky or…

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